Spring is almost here

Dear Friends,

We look forward to working with you and the park staff to improve Yellow Creek State Park and to support programs and activities for all in Indiana County this year.

Stay tuned for more information on mountain bike races, community sailing, and volunteer activities including trail repair.

Donations are always welcome! They are tax deductible and your dollars stay local https://www.friendsofyellowcreek.org/join-foyc/

We are also always looking for additional project ideas and folks who want to volunteer, from invasive plant cleanup to helping to steer the board — we welcome your inquiries. Please mail friendsofyellowcreek@gmail.com


Volunteer Hours

Dear Friends,

As the season winds down, we hope you all had a chance to spend some quality time at the park. Many of our members and others volunteered on projects, litter clean-ups, and facilitating outdoor fun on the trails and the water. Thanks to you all.

For those who have helped out, we would appreciate it if you would take the time to “log your hours.

Each year, the Friends of Yellow Creek reports our activities to PA Parks and Forests, giving evidence of the number of individuals and time they devote to Yellow Creek and other parks and forests throughout the state.

Click here


Volunteers Needed – Sailing Base Cleanup

Ahoy Sailors and Paddlers!
Help is needed with cleaning up our Sailing Base!  As we approach the end of the season, we will be clean and put away our boats, while completing some other minor projects in order to prepare our base for the winter.
The Sailing Base Cleanup will be Saturday, November 9th, from 9 a.m.-1 p.m.
We’ll provide food and plan projects based on the anticipated number of volunteers. We would appreciate your completing the poll below if you can attend.
If you find you can help out at the last minute, you are welcome to come even if you haven’t RSVPed.  Thank you for your willingness to help! Please feel free to reach out with any questions.

Thanks to the Indiana Midday Rotary

Thanks to the Indiana Midday Rotary for supporting the Friends of Yellow Creek. Rotary member Chris Buell delivered a check to FOYC representatives Cindy Rogers (Secretary) and Ken Sherwood (Co-chair).

The rotary grant will allow FOYC to build a bridge enhancing the multi-use trails at Yellow Creek.  Autumn is a great time to enjoy the trials on your mountain bike or on foot. The 14+ miles of single-track at Yellow Creek are appreciated by vistors throughout the region, maintained by FOYC and LHORBA volunteers.

See Indiana Midday Rotary on the web or Facebook  for information about meetings, membership and projects.

 TOMORROW – Sea Scouts Sign-Up Night


Calling all youth interested in Sea Scouts and Maritime Explorers!  Tomorrow is the big night!  Come join us as we hold our inaugural sign—up night and become a plankowner in the newest units in the Laurel Highlands Council!  As a reminder, we’ll be meeting 1800 (6:00pm) tomorrow (15MAY24) at the Friends of Yellow Creek Sailing Center!

Check out the following link to learn more about our sign up night!  https://bit.ly/SignUpNight15MAY24


It’s that time! The engines have been tested, the mooring lines are stowed, the pilot is aboard. We’re now ready to ‘take departure’ on this year’s adventure! Whether you’ve visited us at a one of our ‘Windy Warm-ups‘ or heard about us another way and are ready to jump in, we hope to see you at 1800 (6:00pm) on 15MAY24 at the Friends of Yellow Creek Sailing Center!


Check out the following link to learn more about our sign up night!  https://bit.ly/SignUpNight15MAY24