Volunteers – Tree Planting – April 13

Yellow Creek Flyer Yellow Creek Flyer















FOYC is pleased to be collaborating with the Western Pennsylvania Conservancy and DCNR to improve water quality at Yellow Creek. You are welcome to join us in planting some 300 young trees along the banks of the creek and other marshy areas at Yellow Creek.  See the flier below for details.  Volunteers are requested to pre-register with the park by contacting Lisa Meadows (limeadows@pa.gov)

Western Pennsylvania Conservancy

Riparian (Stream-side) Tree Planting

Volunteer Information

A riparian restoration project involves planting approximately 200 tree and shrub seedlings per acre. All planting are done by hand and plants can be bare-root, livestakes, and/or small (approximately 1-3 year old) potted trees and shrubs all native to Pennsylvania.

Prior to planting, volunteers are educated about the importance of trees for water quality and wildlife and how the Watershed Program of Western Pennsylvania Conservancy (WPC) is implementing projects to help improve areas in need of stream restoration. A demonstration will be done on how to plant the trees properly and safely.

Volunteers should plan to be outdoors for the day, roughly 4-6 hours, and dress accordingly based on the local forecast. Sturdy shoes or boots should be worn and gloves are recommended. Stream side areas can be wet, so waterproof/resistant gear is advisable.

Volunteers should pack a field lunch and have enough water to stay hydrated for the day.

Dress and Gear Check-list:

Suggested Protective Gear

  • Work gloves, gardening gloves are acceptable
  • Sunscreen
  • Insect repellant

Proper Dress

  • Dress for the weather, layers will help regulate body temperature depending on activity
  • Pants, long sleeves, and hats protect from the sun and insects
  • Sturdy work boots (preferably waterproof) will help keep feet dry and comfortable


Go Sail – Give Back program to support YC Sailing




Give Back

Need sailing gear?  The “Go Sail / Give Back” program sponsored by Windrider will donate 6% of sales back to FOYC for improvements at the park sailing base.  Need a PFD, new sails, or other marine parts? Considering buying a new sailboat?!  Please use the link above to automatically associate your purchase with FOYC.


Kiosks for Park Information

IMG_2621Congratulations to Eagle Scout, Kory McConnell.   The  Penn Run high school senior approach Friends of Yellow Creek with a great project.  He had identified the need for renovations and replacement of the park’s information kiosks.  These large, sheltered bulletin boards help new visitors to the park learn about trails, safety regulations, even local wildlife.

Kory and his help
ers rebuilt, repaired, and created new kiosks.  He also identified several locations that lacked kiosks but where they could be usefully sited.

FOYC was pleased to help Kory earn his Eagle and to sponsor such a great park improvement.

Will you support FOYC in 2016?

It is that time of the year again! Time to join or renew your membership in Friends of Yellow Creek. If you came to the park last year and enjoyed your visit, attended any of the free programs, or just want to help support projects in the park year round from working on trails, improving the children’s play areas, buying new tables, planting trees, rebuilding the sailing area, to just about anything that will help the park be a better place to visit. We know you are really busy but hope that you could take just a few minutes of your time to write that check and become a member.

We want to thank you for your support in past years that has allowed us to be able to do all the things we have accomplished and thank you in advance for your continued support to help us continue to provide services to our community.

General Membership Levels: Individual $12; Family $15; Community Sailing $100. Please send your membership to FOYC, P.O. Box 140, Indiana, PA 15701 with your contact information: Name, Address, email, phone number.

See www.friendsofyellowcreek.org for more opportunities to get involved.

Prefer to donate online, visit our “Join” page on the website and use Mastercard or Visa: https://www.friendsofyellowcreek.org/join-or-make-a-donation/




Volunteers Improve the Park Through Trail Work

Ibrush-clearingf you are a mountain biker, you know that Yellow Creek State Park is noted for its extensive 20-mile, single-track trail system. Groups like YC Monthly have regular races, and LHORBA conducts regular group rides.

What you may not know is that many of these trails were created, and are actively maintained or improved by FOYC/LHORBA volunteers. These volunteers work with the park manager to identify needed drainage projects, locations for bridges, and clearing tree-falls.

Thanks to all the mountain bikers who help keep Yellow Creek a welcoming park for those enjoying outdoor exercise!



Fry Fostered, Eagle Scouted

Thanks and congratulation to Garrett Strittmatter, soon to be an Eagle Scout. His project will help improve the habit for young fish, including those stocked by PA Fish and Game at Yellow Creek Park.  Eagle Scout candidates, propose, design, raise funds and implement projects.  This project was welcomed by Park Manager Jim Tweardy, and the Friends of Yellow Creek was pleased to be able to provide funding for the materials.


The structure, which replace or augment those installed decades past, help young fish to hide out from larger predators.  The construction of the lake back in 1969 stripped the bottom of the variations which would ordinarily provide natural shelter for fish fry.


Thanks Garrett. And thanks to the members and donors to Friends of Yellow Creek. Your support makes it possible for FOYC to fund such projects.
