Community Sailing at Yellow Creek
We will again be offering free group sailing lessons for FOYC sailing base members. Beginners and novices are welcome. The family price is $175 for the season, and includes unlimited access to the paddle boards, kayaks, and sailing fleet (if experienced / certified). Once certified, member sailors are entitled to unlimited use of the fleet.
Contact for more information.
Community sailing normally takes place each Wednesday afternoon, from 4pm, from Memorial Day through Labor Day.
Please sign up early to insure that we schedule group lessons at a time convenient for you.
Yellow Creek Lake is a wonderful place to sail. FOYC is proud to collaborate with the Yellow Creek State Park, the DCNR, and IUP Sailing Club. We are always looking for experienced sailors to volunteer and help improve our offerings. We are now overseeing the Yellow Creek Sailing Base as a community resource.
Is Sailing On Your Bucket List?
Each summer, we offer sailing base members a series of weekly group lessons. Even if you have never been on a sailboat before, you can become a skipper in one summer. Subject to weather, we aim to offer at least 8 weekly group lessons, throughout the summer. There is no extra charge to take these lessons. US Sailing certification typically requires 20-30 hours of “tiller time” in addition to home study of sailing theory.
Certify and Enjoy FOYC Boats
Experienced sailors are all entitled to demonstrate their skills and earn a US Sailing Certification. If you sail well or have prior experience and just need a refresher, let us know. Once certified, you have open access to our fleet of small sailboats at Yellow Creek. The park no longer rents sailboats (sloop or catamaran). But FOYC offers you the opportunity to join us, sail with us and participate in sharing the pleasure of sailing with others in the community!
FOYC offers you the opportunity to “test-out” with a certified US Saliing instructor according to US Sailing Small Boat standards: Identifying Wind Direction and Indicators, Rigging/Unrigging, Knot Tying and Coiling, Rules of the Road (right of way), Departure/Landing, Steering, Safety Position, Tacking, Points of Sail,Jibing, Capsize Recovery, Overboard Recovery, Getting out of Irons, and Upwind Sailing.
If you are comfortable with the above, please contact FOYC ( to arrange for a sailing test.
Then you enjoy unlimited sailing of the FOYC fleet.
New FOYC Sailboat Fleet and Paddle Boards
Through generous private donations, FOYC now offers access to a number of sailboats. In addition, sailing base members can use Stand-Up Paddle Boards and kayaks. Check out our current fleet.
Community Sailing base members are also asked to become involved in the the sailing base, assisting in the rigging and care of boats and facilities. We have many volunteers. We also work with the university sailing club and are building connections with local scout troops.
Here is a nice promotional video for the university sailing club at IUP.
Ready to Join?
The cost is $175 for 2025. In order to join, please:
- Pay online using the Paypal/Credit-Card link
- Complete the online sailing base membership form (below)
- Contact with questions, to schedule an orientation, and to get the key code.
1) Become a paid member of FOYC Community Sailing
Community sailing provides you the opportunity to learn how to sail among friends without the expense of private lessons or purchasing your own boat. We provide at least five group lessons in the early summer. Certified sailors can use club boats at any time. Novices participate in group sailing days to hone their skills. A family/household requires only one membership.
It works best if you can pay online through this online link:
Benefits include:
- use of the club sailboats
- use of the club paddle boards
- participation in group lessons and other sailing events
- access to the FOYC Sailing Base paddles, life-jackets, etc.
2. ) Registration / Waiver
(Please complete this for each member who will use the facility. This information helps us keep in touch with you, as well as keeping us in good standing with our insurance!)
For More Information
Please email