
Thank you for your interest in supporting the work of FOYC. We are a volunteer organization and receive no state money. Our projects, activities, and park enhancements are funded by memberships, generous donations, and occasional small grants.

Quick links: general membership and donations | sail/kayak/sup membership

Become a Member


You can help FOYC do its work by becoming an annual member for as little as $15.  By joining, you show FOYC and the state park system that you support and value your park.  With loyal members, we can plan for long-term projects. In addition, your membership allows us to better contact you about projects, programs, and volunteer opportunities.

General Membership Levels:

Individual $15
Family $20
Community Sailing $140
Kayak/Canoe Rack $140
(Sailing and Rack, combo $175)

Sailing Base

FOYC members have the opportunity to access the YC Sailing Base. Volunteers have made improvements to the facility, and Sailing Base members can access FOYC sailboats and paddleboards.  Sailing classes for beginners and orientations for experienced sailors will be held in the spring. We also hope to add several canoes to our fleet for 2015.  FOYC members have donated volunteer hours and funds to help rehabilitate this facility.  Sailing base users contribute a $140 donation to support the continued improvement in this facility and to offset insurance costs.

Kayak Rack

FOYC also oversees a kayak storage rack at the sailing base. There are 12 slots, available to friends; we ask a $140 donation for annual reservation of a slot (April 15-October 31). In order to fairly meet demand, we limit any family to one slot. Please contact for more information. Kayaks are stored at the owners’ risk; we encourage you to use a cable to lock them to the rack.

(More on sailing at Yellow Creek)

Join / Donate Here

Our parent organization, PPFF, assists us in accepting memberships from those who would like to join online.

To join or make a donation via Visa/Mastercard, click here:

  1. general membership and donations
  2. sail/kayak/sup membership



If you would prefer to mail a donation, please make checks payable to PA Parks and Forests Foundation.






Alternatively, you may choose to mail your check to:

FOYC Treasurer
P.O. Box 1401
Indiana, PA 15701

Please include your name, address, phone number and email so that we can add you to our membership database.

Friends of Yellow Creek is a chapter of Pennsylvania Parks and Forests, a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization – contributions to which are deductible to the fullest extent permitted by law.

Meeting Minutes

Visit below for the minutes of meetings since the formation of Friends of Yellow Creek as a chapter of PA Parks and Forests in April 2010. Please note that minutes are approved at the subsequent, monthly meeting, so that the most recent minutes are “draft” “unapproved.”

2013-07-FOYC Minutes
2013-June-25-FOYC minutes
2013-01-FOYC Minutes (1)

2012-03-FOYC Minutes

11_11_10 F of YC minutes

11_11_10 F of YC minutes
8_10_10 F of YC Minutes
7_13_10 F of YC Minutes-draft
6_8_10 F of YC Minutes-draft
6_8_10 F of YC Minutes
5_11_10 F of YC Minutes

Action Plan

Friends of Yellow Creek

Effective May 2010-May 2013


The Friends of Yellow Creek formed April 2010. This formation was to provide already active volunteers at the park additional facets by which to contribute to the conservation and preservation of the park and its resources.

Friends of Yellow Creek formed as a chapter of the Pa Parks and Forests Foundation (PPFF). PPFF is a private, non-profit organization that works to develop resources which complement the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR).

This document is the Action Plan for the Friends. It is a working document to guide projects and development, and is open to be evaluated annually and reassessed. The mission and the goals were developed via electronic and in person discussions, which included the park manager and educator.

Mission Statement

Friends of Yellow Creek aims to include visitors in conserving, protecting and enhancing the natural, educational, and recreational resources of the Park.

Resources and Responsibilities

Friends of Yellow Creek

To organize and determine projects and programs that meet the mission statement and vision. To volunteer time and effort to raise funds for these purposes.

Board of Directors-

To support the Friends membership and establish policy for the group. To spearhead fundraising efforts.

Park Manager and staff-

To provide support and guidance for the group. To serve as ex officio board members. To provide cooperation or accept help with projects specific to the mission and vision.


To provide education, support, and guidance in the operation of a non-profit group, specific to the mission and vision. Provide financial services


General park volunteers asked to assist with specific projects.

OUR STRENGTHS AND CHALLENGES, opportunities and threats:


* Diversity of background and interests of board members.

* Motivation to improve the park.

* Part of network of PPFF friends.

* Dedication to the group.

* Willingness of volunteers to give time and energy to meet goals and objectives.

* Enthusiastic attitude towards promoting the park to the public.


* Time constraints of volunteers and board members.

* New organization.

* Not well known or established.


* Pa is focusing on outdoor recreation.

* Commitment from DCNR to support friends groups.

* Available training through PPFF and Pa Recreation and Parks Society.


* Time crunch that exists for volunteers

* Competition for resources.

Skill set of Board:

Fundraising—events and grant writing


Communication skills—writing and editing, website design, fliers, visual documents

Strategic planning

Presentation/education skills,

Project coordination and planning.

Hard worker, persistent, committed

Event planning and coordination

Specific skills-sailing, trail building, photography, botany, mapping, love of the outdoors/recreation

Marketing and promotion

Social skills


Board experience


1. Improve the resources at the park to attract more visitors and/or increase the value of the park.

1. Labor based

1. Enhance, mark, and expand trials for hiking, biking and cross country skiing.

2. Develop a family oriented recreation zone

3. Enhance passive recreational opportunities—handicapped, seniors

2. Monetary

1. Build a bridge over the spill way of the dam.

2. Build a pavilion

3. Upgrade playground (natural)

4. Enhance boating facilities/Bring back sailing to the park—mooring, shoreline docking, sailing

5. Kayaks for educational programming

6. disc golf

7. Expanding camping opportunities—tent camping, lean-to

2. Fundraising.

1. For Projects

2. Building and maintenance fund

3. Develop a membership program

4. Ideas for fundraising

1. Shirt sales

2. Coin operated laundry

3. Firewood

4. Donation boxes

5. Grant writing

6. Races—5K, bike, etc

7. Letter of Authorization

8. Annual event—something in September or October

9. Chances

10. Duck races

11. Great Pennsylvania Outdoor Challenge

3. Promote the use of green recreation.

1. Tout the parks accomplishments

2. Provide ideas of how folks can be green in their recreational endeavors

3. Provide education

4. Increase the visitors at the park by raising public awareness about the value of the park and the resources and activities available.

1. Develop a trail guide and registration station

2. Mark trails

3. Develop some promotional activities

4. Monitor potential threats to park.

5. Develop a webpage and utilize social media

5. Support and promote programming at the park by supporting existing groups as well as supplementing with programs where needed.

1. Docent and volunteer guides

2. Children’s programs

3. boating safety

4. Programs for seniors

5. Training–specialty

The Friends will be a membership based organization with an individual membership starting at $12 and a family membership of $15. Members will receive information, invitations, special deals. Perhaps a membership card or a window cling showing that they are a member.

What is a Puddle Duck Racer?

According to the designer,Shorty Routh:

*   The PDRacer is a one design racing sailboat that is basically a plywood box with a curved bottom, and is the easiest boat in the world to build. . . .  A simple hull can be made from 3 sheets of plywood, titebond II glue, and latex house paint. If you work hard for 2 weekends, you can go sailing on the 3rd weekend.

*   We use the same shaped hulls and go play with them together in fun and goofy ways, and sometimes for very serious racing.

*   Our boat is not just for racing, she is great for all sorts of other purposes – and in most states a boat this small does not need to be titled or registered. The hull shape carries 630 lbs. [A launch permit good for all PA State Parks costs $10; it can be purchased online or at state park offices.]

Want to know more?

*   FOYC’s Puddle Duck Flier

*   History, free plans, sail design, and more at the official Puddle Duck Racer Website:


Always wanted to learn to sail?

*   This Summer 2011, Indiana Puddle Duckers will learn to sail through free, informal lessons at Yellow Creek; build yourself a boat and come join us.  Contact for more information

*   Interested in more formal learning? Moraine Sailing Club in Butler offers 12 Sunday lessons throughout the summer at a budget price. The MSC has US Sailing certified instructors and has offered this program for 20 years.


Welcome to Our New Website!

Thanks for visiting the Friends of Yellow Creek website. FOYC formed in April, 2010 – a chapter of the Pa Parks and Forests Foundation (PPFF). PPFF is a private, non-profit organization that works to develop resources which complement the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR).

1. Improve the resources at the park to attract more visitors and/or increase the value of the park.

2. Raise funds for park improvements.

3. Promote the use of green recreation.

4. Increase the visitors at the park by raising public awareness about the value of the park and the resources and activities available.

5. Promote programming at the park by supporting existing groups as well as supplementing with programs where needed.

The Friends will be a membership-based organization with an individual membership starting at $12 and a family membership of $15. Members will receive information and special benefits.

You can expect to see major changes to this website in the coming weeks. Let us know how you’d like to be involved!