YC Monthly 2025

Registration: March & Full Series | April | May | August |

– Our Sixteenth Year –

bridge with rider and fox poster
Our races began as a way to introduce more folks to the cross-country trail system that travels around Yellow Creek Lake and also as a way to raise funds and increase membership for Friends of Yellow Creek.  We continue the race for those same reasons.  All proceeds go toward FoYC memberships and payouts.
Our multi-use trails (hiking & biking, no horses) were proudly created and are consistently maintained by LHORBA, the Laurel Highlands On & Off Road Bicycling Association. Please consider becoming a member to help us continue to develop cycling opportunities throughout the Laurel Highlands region. Of course, we’re grateful to our sponsors for all their support.

Race dates

Check out past Results.

Three races are offered:

  • Expert – a 23-mile loop that includes nearly all of the trails around the lake.
  • Sport – a 16-mile out-and-back that takes in the majority of the south shore trails.
  • Short Stuff – an 8-mile out-and-back that consists of segments of Simpson Trail and double-track along the return.

Check out Course Layouts  to get better understanding of the terrain. Actual Course Maps  vary a bit year-to-year and will be updated.


  • Check-in/Registration Begins at 9:00 a.m.
  • Optional Pre-Race Meeting at 9:30 a.m.
  • Race Start at 10:00 a.m. (To spread out the field, we generally start Expert first, Sport a minute after, and Short Stuff a minute after that).

Click into the Race Location to get details on where to meet and park.

Spectating is welcomed. Updates to come on where to catch these fly-by’s. Note: chances to spot are few and far between!


Expert and Sport:

  • First race: $40 ($15 FoYC membership + $25 race fee).
  • All subsequent races in the series: $25.

Short Stuff:

  • First race: $30 ($15 FoYC membership + $15 race fee).
  • All subsequent races in the series: $15.
  • Changing to Sport or Expert later in the season will cost you $25.

Other important cost stuff:

  • Your race plate is good for the entire season, so please remember to bring it back!
  • You can register for all races on BikeReg using the links above.
  • Race day registration is an additional $5.00.
  • We accept cash and checks only. Please make your check payable to “Friends of Yellow Creek”.

Stay up-to-date

Follow us on the socials if you wish for frequently infrequent updates:

Any questions? Please email us at info@rideyc.org.

Looking forward to seeing you at the races!

friends of yellowcreek logo